exclusive car styling


Azart logo



Azart was founded in 2005 by a car enthusiast and entrepreneur Arif Zeynalov.

The name of the company has two parts, AZ and ART . The first part stands for the name initials of the founder and not coincidentally, for his country -Azerbaijan. The second part stands for creative job Azart delivers daily to their customers. Combined, from Russian translation the word "Azart" meanspassion and excitement, which precisely describes the nature of the businesses that Azart is involved.

Azart was initially started as an auto-tuner company. Azart Tuning was one of the first official tuning companies and later it developed to become one of the well-known brands in auto industry of Azerbaijan. Arif developed the vision of its company for individual tuning with exactly one goal: to realise even craziest ideas of the customers, with few limits, but with a lot of technical innovation and above all with enthusiasm.

Arif then decided to expand auto-tuning services and provide his customers full spectrum of automobile services, including but not limited to autoimport & sale, manufacture of custom auto parts, maintenance & detailing services, etc.

Nowadays Azart Group keeps close ties with youngs and sportmans. It has established the football club Azart-FK. At the same time via Azart-Eventdivision, it organizes sport events of all kinds.



We host an annual Tuning Show, showcasing our latest and best work on a range of luxury brands. It's a great opportunity to appreciate the craftsmanship and innovation in car tuning. These events also feature expert talks and workshops on the latest trends in the tuning industry, helping our customers stay ahead of the curve. We're more than just a service, we're a community.



“ I've always wanted to overcome the limits, set my goals higher and give everyone the chance to live out their dreams. It grabs me every day to bring new, technical solutions together and to let them arise. ”

Founder & CEO
Arif Zeynalov


Vinyl / Detailing / Body Kit